18/May/2019 - WDSF OPEN SEN.II Standard "5/6"

Organizer: World Dance Sport Federation
Master of Ceremony: Cornelia Straub  TanzSportClub Rödermark 
Chairperson: Ivo Muenster  Germany 
Scrutineer(s): Hans-Joachim Straub  TanzSportClub Rödermark 
B: Alicja Majewska  Poland 
U: Guy Rosen  Luxembourg 
X: Zufar Zaripov  Austria 
Y: Grant Baartzes  South Africa 
AA: Asis Khadjeh-Nouri  Germany 
AB: Jes Christophersen  Germany 
AE: Marco Cuocci  Italy 
AF: Daniel Steinmann  Switzerland 
AG: Andre Vieira  Portugal 

Result of the Final
Rank No. Couple Country
1. 242 Maletz, Dr. Konstantin / Maletz, Corina Tanzsport-Club Alemana Puchheim
2. 279 Droste, Horst / Kahl-Kaminsky, Claudia btc Grün-Gold der Turngemeinde in Berlin 1848
3. 289 Seyboth, René / Seyboth, Heike TC Rot-Weiß Leipzig
4. 253 Fuss, Bernhard / Fuss, Sonja TTC Rot-Weiß Freiburg
5. 280 Pfeiffer, Peter / Pfeiffer, Miriam Braunschweig Dance Company
6. 293 Olkov, Evgeny / Belyaeva, Marina Russian Federation

  1st round 2nd round 3rd round 4th round 5th round Final
No. of couples danced 136 99 50 24 12 6
No. of couples set 10 - - - - -

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